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Wednesday, June 4, 2008

What the Frak!!?

the Church of the Goracle in Australia is going too far now. They are actually encouraging kids to die young so that they don't "Use more than their fair share of the Earth's Resources"

I shat you not:

This is just plain sick. I clicked on it myself, to see what age I should die, and was shocked to see at the very begining that it tells you at what age you should die.

Apparently, the more money you spent for work in terms of driving and flying, the more CO2 you spent. And according to this website I should have died 14 years ago. That website is bullskat, and needs to be taken down. The Austrailian Government needs to see what kind of horrible Religous Fundamentalist pandering this is, and take it down. Suicide rates are high enough in Australia as it is.

below is a copy of an E-Mail I sent them in relation to this horrid and dangerous quiz. Help me spread this around friends. This example of Religious Bigotry cannot go unanswered.

I find my self sickened by the Planet Slayers quiz you have set up on your website. The Anti-Individual Rights slant to it, as well as the dangerous pandering to a Quasi-Religious group more interested in character assassination and death threats than in actual debate has moved into dangerous territory. In that game, you encourage children to die young. The average life style for an Australian leads to a death around the age of five or six years. As an American Citizen, I find myself glad that I do not live in a nation where the official national broadcasting system advocates the deaths of children not even in grade school.

I will do what ever I can to bring attention to this website, and make sure that people see this for what it is. An example of Religious Bigotry and an advocate of Child and Teen Suicide. This will not look good in the press, and it will reach the international press.
For those not familiar with the Commonwealth and their broadcasting systems, the official broadcasting corporations (BBC, CBC, ABC, etc.) are owned by the national government.

UPDATE: No response still.

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