Global Warming Hoax : Global Warming Hoax News

Friday, December 19, 2008


I never thought I would say this, especially now that Glenn Beck has transferred over to FOX, but thank you CNN.

Recently, on national cable television, CNN Meteorologist Chad Meyers stated

You know, to think that we could affect weather all that much is pretty arrogant. Mother Nature is so big, the world is so big, the oceans are so big – I think we’re going to die from a lack of fresh water or we’re going to die from ocean acidification before we die from global warming, for sure.
Dr. Jay Lehr, an environmental policy expert stated
If we go back really, in recorded human history, in the 13th Century, we were probably 7 degrees Fahrenheit warmer than we are now and it was a very prosperous time for mankind. If go back to the Revolutionary War 300 years ago, it was very, very cold. We’ve been warming out of that cold spell from the Revolutionary War period and now we’re back into a cooling cycle. The last 10 years have been quite cool. And right now, I think we’re going into cooling rather than warming and that should be a much greater concern for humankind. But, all we can do is adapt. It is the sun that does it, not man.
Another meteorologist, Rob Marciano was quoted thusly about the Goracle's Movie, An Inconvenient Truth, before retracting his comments under a massive wave of threats against his credibility
There are definitely some inaccuracies. The biggest thing I have a problem with is this implication that Katrina was caused by global warming. Global warming does not conclusively cause stronger hurricanes like we’ve seen, by the end of this century we might get about a 5 percent increase.

Tuesday, December 2, 2008

The Coming Global Eco Court

First, we had the International Court of Justice in the Hague, then we had the International Criminal Court in the Hague, the next international court to take seat in the Hague will be the Global Court for Crimes Against the Earth.

Yes, that's right, the Goraclists seem to want to establish an International Criminal Court to punish those who violate the Kyoto Protocol.

So, when they are done there, who is next? Senator James Inhoffe of Oklahoma perhaps? The False Prophet of the Senate has been extremely vocal in his opposition to Global Warming over the years, and has helped to represent us Heretics on Capitol hill for years.

Perhaps it will be the Cooler Heads Coalition over at They have been some of the heads of the Heretics for years now.

Or maybe they will target Lord Lawson of Blaby, who published a book recently that was critical of the theory of Global Warming.

Or, it could be Tim Ball, Ph.D., the first Doctorate of Climatology in Canadian History. He has been harsly critical of the Goracle, and has received death threats as a result.

A couple quotes come to mind fromt he Founding Fathers of my beloved homeland come to mind.

A government big enough to supply you with everything you need, is a government big enough to take away everything that you have. - Gerald Ford

If ye love wealth better than liberty, the tranquillity of servitude than the animating contest of freedom, — go from us in peace. We ask not your counsels or arms. Crouch down and lick the hands which feed you. May your chains sit lightly upon you, and may posterity forget that ye were our countrymen! - Samuel Adams
Remember people, the removal of your freedoms will come swiftly in the night, sneaking up to you, acclamating you to it's presence. Animate always for freedom and liberty, and never give up the soapbox.

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

So much to say

Well, it has been a busy couple of days.

First, it turns out that China has Carbon Credits. China? Carbon Credits? From the nation of Brown Air and Deadly Rivers? How is this possible? Well, it certainly isn't because they are cleaning up their act. The Yangtze and Yellow river are still so bad that they won't fish you out if you fall in (it is kinder to let the people drown than get fished out and die of the infections). And Beijing still has Brown Air that on the worst days makes visibility beyond four blocks difficult.

So where are they getting these Carbon Credits? Because the Chinese Communist Party forces abortions upon women pregnant with a third child. Yes, that's right, they are getting Carbon Credits because they are aborting children. Centrally Mandated Abortions at that. This isn't the sin of the US, with Voluntary abortions. This is strapping women to a steel slab and forcing the abortion regardless of whether the woman wants to do so.

It almost makes the Eco-Disaster that China is heading towards seem karmic.

Then, an Australian Minister has recently declared that in his opinion, those who advocate against Global Warming should have their citizenship revoked. But don't worry, he is a member of the Tolerant Left. Those who undergo "RE-EDUCATION" on the matter will be able to get their citizenship back.

So, now us Heretics are to have the Inquisition sicked on us if we live in Aussie Land eh? Well, they will be surprised at how many of us there actually are. Especially after the Australian Broadcasting Corporation put a page on their website that declares that Aussies who live past the age of FIVE are criminals because they have lived to long and used too much of the planet's resources.

If there are any Australians reading this, which I doubt, I mainly ever get hits from Kansas (or Rochester when ever I mention Hillary Clinton...), but on the off chance that there are, organize a protest against this. And let them know that the debate is not over.

I strongly encourage all my readers to go out and buy Red Hot Lies. I know that it is going on my Christmas list. And on the one that goes out to my liberal Grandmother at that. Maybe she will crack it open before she wraps it...

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

As my guitar gently weeps

It is a sad day for all of us Heretics. Michael Crichton died yesterday at the age of 66 from cancer. If you will recall, I had praised him previously for his book, State of Fear, in which he chronicled the Church against which we fight to this day.

But for me, he was more than just an Icon of Heresy. He was also a hero. I started writing in the summer of third grade, when my father, sick of having to watch Jurassic Park a thousand times a day, dropped the book in my lap and told me I couldn't watch the movie until I had finished the book. That night, my dad and I talked about the implications of Chaos Theory on Evolution for an hour and a half. I was a precocious child.

Since that day, I have been writing. And no matter what my other career ambitions, being a writer was always one of them. And so, Michael Crichton, I would like to say simply that you will be well and truly missed.

John Michael Crichton M.D. October 23, 1942 - November 4, 2009. Rest in Peace.

Monday, September 8, 2008

Rally in KC: Cross Posted to JesusLand

Well, that was fun. I went to the John Knox village today to hear Sarah Palin, and her running Mate John McCain (wait, did I get that backward..?) It was a long road to get there, First, I had to deal with a car wreck on I-435 that had reduced five lanes to one, backing up TWO highways. All the while, the rain was coming down, badly.

Then, I forgot about the lack of progress on US-69 and the Flying Ramp onto I-435. Annoying really. Finally, after getting on 435, braving the Bermuda Triangle of KC, and crossing into Lee's Summit, I finally arrived in Lee's Summit for the Rally, only to find that the line was stretched around four blocks and two corners.

Tryign to find a parking spot, I saw sixteen Palin look-a-likes. Wow, talk about a Fashion Icon. Finally, I find a parking lot that wasn't charging ten dollar donations for parking, and pulled in. I hoofed it up to the line, where I watched it stretch around another two corners. Chances of Getting In: Low.

Waited in line with a group of women, bashing Obama, chatting politics, trying to figure out what the people behind us are gonna o abotu not being able to get in.

Then the Cops come by, looking things over, making sure no one is getting too rowdy. They told us about an overflow area, and we took off, dragging a couple dozen people with us. People where handing out anti-McCain propaganda, should have brought somethign to burn it, but nope, didn't think of it.

Arrived in Overflow area, Rock This Town playing, int he second row. The Overflow area got crowded quickly as line deserters joined us. So crowded, seven people have climbed a tree. Wow, that is crowded. Press isn't too bad, people still observing space. Not sure how long that will last when signs get passed out.

And here come the signs, and here comes the press. And here coems the rain, drizzling on us, but oh well, better to stay here and hear the speech than to leave to soon and not get to hear it, doubt Rush is gonna JIP the speech today, jsut a campaign rally.

The Secret Service have come out in numbers. Wow, three of them movign through the crowds, checking bags, wanding, making sure no one's got a gun.

There they are, McCain and Sarah. People are screaming for Sarah, and she is just looking a litle flabbergasted, and she thought she was popular in Alaska...

Pressing flesh with us, John McCain is coming our way, Sarah and her husband are going the other way. WooHoo!!! I shook hands with John McCain!

He's coming back, tiem to shout out, "United States Naval Academy." May not go there, but I still support them, one of the hrdest schools int eh country and all. He talked to me!!! Guess he thoguht I had attended the school or something, and he thanked me for my service. Sorry John, I am going Coast Guard, not Navy. Still awesome.

Sarah is taking the stage inside, crowd is copying us, too busy chanting her name to let her speak. We got ourselves a REAL rockstar on out ticket.

She's talkign about the War in Iraq, Iraq War Vets are cheerign her on, mentions her son and how she wants a good commander in chief for that, very well done Sarah, keep playing that card, it's one of your best, they can't say you don't have a personal stake in it.

Good line, too bad I didn't get it jotted down completely: Choose between those who pursue change for the sake of their careers and those who seek careers to brign about change. Well said Sarahcudda.

Talking abotu Tax Cuts now: "Our reforms worked and we took off." Talking about the Tax Cuts and their effect on the economy. Glad we got someone who knows first hand the effects of lowered taxes ont eh people and the economy. Gonna make it hard for Biden and Obama to hit McCain on that.

Oh wow, she put the Alaska State "Checkbook" online. I hope she does the same thing for the Federal Budget, more transparency is always a good thing.

Heh, hitting Obama for getting $1 Billion in Earmarks in 3 Years. $333 million a year or $912 thousand a day. Wow, that's a lot of wasted money. I am glad that Palin has cut $0.5 Billion in Earmarks in her own state.

Talking about their $40 Billion Natural Gas pipeline through Alaska and Canada to the Lower 48. Talking about Nuclear Energy, Alternative Fuels, Drill here drill now. Sounds like Pickens plan to me. Must be because he is across town today, and will probably hear about it. If Pickens backs her, could be a HUGE political coup.

Says that American energy, with American workers and American energy will bring security and an improved economy.

McCain's turn, got a bigger cheer inside than outside, must be because Sarah told us to cheer for him. (Sorry McCain, but it is the way it is...) Telling Washington and us that "Change is coming." Guess the Obama people can keep hoping for Change, while we actually do somethign about it.

Claims he is going to drain the swamp (Heh, funny considering that's what D.C. actually was before we built the capitol there) and take on Special Interests. Claims that Earmarks breed corruption. He's right there, rtoo bad he won't have Line Item Veto like Sarah did back home in Alaska...

More of the Pickens plan coming through. Talking about how we need to stop buying oil from overseas, and stop sending $700 Billion to nations that are not friendly (If not hostile in Iran's case) toward the United States. No argument there.

Talking about using Tax Cuts and Incentives to help grow business and create jobs. Smart man, that McCain. Crowd goes wild at that one, we like having out taxes cut.

McCain asks if he can give us some straight talk. Crowd goes into chant about straight talk, McCain asks if we rehearsed that. Gets some good laughs from that.

Straight talk is about Lowering Taxes, Growing Business, Shrinking Government, etc. Gets a huge cheer from the people. Again, we like it when the Government lets us have more of our money.

Opposses Public Healthcare, wants to help Insurance Companies create responsible, low cost insurance costs. That gets huge roar, thoguht I heard a joke abotu going to the DMV for Healthcare out here, got a bigger one.

Obama supporters across the street from us. 15 or so. They are chanting and carrying on, the McCain supporters leaving are heckling them. I let loose with a few "Our Momma beats Your Obama." Gets laughs from our side and some death glares from the other side. Next time I am gonna find a copy of Glenn Beck's "Obama National Anthem" to play as loud as I can against our opponents. Might find some other ones as well, that will be fun to play to drown out our opponents.

Tuesday, June 10, 2008

The Coming Little Ice Age

I should be crowing with laughter right now over the situation that Al Gore is going to find himself in, but honestly, I am too busy browsing for snowshoes. The sun is in a minimum. There are no sun spots. For those of you who are uneducated on matters of the sun, this means the sun has essentially stopped breathing. During the last Solar Minimum, dubbed the Maunder Minimum, a 50 Year little Ice Age gripped the land. The Thames in London froze over thick enough that multi-story buildings where built on it, with ice flows in the late spring. During that time, a Viking Colony in Greenland froze over and died as Greenland turned into an icy wasteland.

So, what can you do about it? Invest in 4 wheel drive vehicles, good quality coats and scarves, and snowshoes. I know I will be.

Wednesday, June 4, 2008

What the Frak!!?

the Church of the Goracle in Australia is going too far now. They are actually encouraging kids to die young so that they don't "Use more than their fair share of the Earth's Resources"

I shat you not:

This is just plain sick. I clicked on it myself, to see what age I should die, and was shocked to see at the very begining that it tells you at what age you should die.

Apparently, the more money you spent for work in terms of driving and flying, the more CO2 you spent. And according to this website I should have died 14 years ago. That website is bullskat, and needs to be taken down. The Austrailian Government needs to see what kind of horrible Religous Fundamentalist pandering this is, and take it down. Suicide rates are high enough in Australia as it is.

below is a copy of an E-Mail I sent them in relation to this horrid and dangerous quiz. Help me spread this around friends. This example of Religious Bigotry cannot go unanswered.

I find my self sickened by the Planet Slayers quiz you have set up on your website. The Anti-Individual Rights slant to it, as well as the dangerous pandering to a Quasi-Religious group more interested in character assassination and death threats than in actual debate has moved into dangerous territory. In that game, you encourage children to die young. The average life style for an Australian leads to a death around the age of five or six years. As an American Citizen, I find myself glad that I do not live in a nation where the official national broadcasting system advocates the deaths of children not even in grade school.

I will do what ever I can to bring attention to this website, and make sure that people see this for what it is. An example of Religious Bigotry and an advocate of Child and Teen Suicide. This will not look good in the press, and it will reach the international press.
For those not familiar with the Commonwealth and their broadcasting systems, the official broadcasting corporations (BBC, CBC, ABC, etc.) are owned by the national government.

UPDATE: No response still.

Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Global Cooling

Well, looks like the Goraclists might just have to change their claims. As Antarctic Sea Ice Increases, the Arctic Sea Ice slows its melting, global climates drop, and the glaciers stabilise, I just have to sit back and say, HA!

In fact, it is right on time. Every twenty to thirty years, the MSM changes its mind about whether or not we are facing irrevocable cooling or heating. Well, its been almost 20 years since the claims of Global Cooling gave way to claims of Global Warming. And thus it is time once again for the Enivromental-Facists* to change their tune.

*Facist here is used in it's economic context of Privately Owned, State Controlled Economies. If this sounds familiar, think Minimum Wage and Fuel Economy Standards. Both of them are Facist Economic Policies in terms of their implementation.

More on these as the Goraclists start to rev up for summer. Can't wait.

Wednesday, April 9, 2008

Up until about 24 hours ago, the BBC was reporting that the global average climate had been decreasing since 1998. Yes, that's right, they changed the story. Not because some IPCC expert told them to, or because they had the facts wrong, but because some Nit-Wit Brit decided that it was wrong and threatened to smear the reporter who wrote the story across the entire internet. So, it thus makes total sense that LA is considering a Global Warming tax, after all, they haven't gotten the message.

Well, City of Angles, here it is. Global Climate has been going down in the past few years, and in 2007 alone, there was a net drop of .65 degrees Celsius. Yes, you heard me right, the last hundred years worth of warming was ERASED. Now, every Goraclist I have seen made it look like you were going to need pitons to climb the graphs as they went up almost vertically. And yet, the average temperature has dropped? Now that is a pretty big mistake.

No wonder the warmies have shut up recently...

Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Team Astrobotic

Well, I mentioned that this was gonna be a tech blog, and its time to blog the techy side of life. As many of you may not know, Google is sponsoring the new X-Prize. Called the Lunar X-Prize, ten official teams are racing to be the first to land a rover on the moon, have it move around, and take and send pictures and movies to earth and receive relayed commands from earth.

As I have been looking forward to this for a while, I am happy to say that I have found a team to support. Team Astrobotic. Made up of members of Carnagie-Mellon, a close friend of NASA's Jet Propulsion laboratory and the builder of the probes currently operating on Mars, and Raytheon, a major force in the Aerospace Industry. I believe they are gonna win, and suggest others support them as well.

Thank You DailyTech

Wow, do I have a lot of stuff to cover. I won't do it all at once, it isn't my style. But I sill be covering it all, day by day, until i catch up with the cooler heads.

Anywho, first up is a report that is circulating the blogosphere that started with the DailyTech. In a recent article, dated 2-26-08, a report was cited that showed that global temperatures dropped in the past year, "Wiping out a century of warming" to quote Michael Asher. All of this is based on temperature readings from monitors all across the globe, as well as from Antarctic sea ice reaching "Record Heights." This is big.

Though at first it was all anecdotal, all four of the Globe's Temperature tracking agencies, (Hadley, NASA's GISS, UAH, and RSS) have confirmed it. According to all four sources, it is the sharpest change ever recorded, mainly due to the lack of recording going from the Medieval Climate Optimum to the Little Ice Age. This is truly significant. a 0.65C drop in temperatures globally over twelve months. And I was sure that the warmies where up to something.

And look, it has been twenty years since the GW crowd emerged from the Ice Age crowd.

Look for calls of a coming Ice Age, and remember this moment when they swing back to the belief that the planet is warming in twenty years.

Too bad that the cold is so much more damaging to life as we know it than the heat.

Tuesday, February 26, 2008

International Confrence on Climate Change

Oh, how I wish I could be in New York on March 2nd , and that I could stay till the 4th. On those days, the International Conference on Climate Change shall be meeting at the Marriott New York Marquis Hotel.

These Scientists, Economists, and Public Policy Experts, hundreds in number, shall be gathering to call the bluff of Consensus. They shall form the first gathering of Heretics to challenge the IPCC.

For those who want more information on this, please go to, the current home of the Cooler Heads Coalition.

For registration information, please go to

Sadly, it is $312 for a student to attend the conference. If there are any readers who are going, please let me know, I would love to get some information from inside the Confrence before its over. Also, please report this event to CNN, MSNBC, and FOX News, and try to get them to cover the event. A challenge to the IPCC is very cool.

More to come from the Coller Heads Coalition to come. Finally, something to do while the Warmies are quite.


Sorry for the lack of postings guys. College life gets in the way some times. That and the GW Cooks have been quiet recently. *glances around* They are up to something, not sure what, but there is something going on. Expect a major media blitz this summer. It doesn't help that this year had the highest snow fall since 1966... Wouldn't surprise me if it was the coldest summer in a long while.

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